We are very happy to welcome you to the 8th edition of the International Meeting on Aortic Diseases. IMAD focuses on new knowledge in basic research, as well as on the treatment of aortic valves, aneurysms, dissections (types A and B) and infections.
We are happy that Liège can welcome you all to share knowledge and experiences with the friendliness that makes our reputation! We look forward to a great week of exchanges and conviviality.
European accreditation: 18.5 European CME credits
American accreditation: in process
Belgian accreditation: in process




Scientific Committee
- Julie DE BACKER - Gent, Belgium
- Jean Olivier DEFRAIGNE - Liège, Belgium
- Alessandro DELLA CORTE - Napoli, Italy
- Rodolphe DURIEUX - Liège, Belgium
- John ELEFTERIADES - New Haven, United States
- Rebecka HULTGREN - Stockholm, Sweden
- Nicos LABROPOULOS - New-York, United States
- Jean-Paul LAVIGNE - Liège, Belgium
- Bart LOEYS - Antwerpen, Belgium
- Christoph NIENABER - London, United Kingdom
- Natzi SAKALIHASAN - Liège, Belgium
Local Organizing Committee
- Evelyne BOESMANS
- Samuel BRULS
- Quentin DESIRON
- Rodolphe DURIEUX
- Charlotte HOLEMANS
- Jean-Paul LAVIGNE
- Delphine SZECEL
- Eric ALLAIRE - Creteil,France
- Cécile ANDRIS - Liège, Belgium
- Marc BAILEY - Leeds, United Kingdom
- Colin BICKNELL - London, United Kingdom
- Hanna BJÖRCK - Stockholm, Sweden
- Evelyne BOESMANS - Liège, Belgium
- Olivier BOUCHOT - Dijon, France
- Matthew BOWN - Leicester, United Kingdom
- Christine BROSTJAN - Vienna, Austria
- Albert BUSCH - Munich, Germany
- Anne-Catherine CHAPELLE - Liège, Belgium
- Martin CZERNY - Freiburg, Germany
- Ronald DALMAN - Stanford, United States
- Lazar DAVIDOVIC - Belgrade, Serbia
- Julie DE BACKER - Gent, Belgium
- Laurent DE KERCHOVE - Leuven, Belgium
- Sebastian DEBUS - Hamburg, Germany
- Jean Olivier DEFRAIGNE - Liège, Belgium
- Allessandro DELLA CORTE - Napoli, Italy
- Rodolphe DURIEUX - Liège, Belgium
- Wolf Hans EILENBERG - Vienna, Austria
- John ELEFTERIADES - New Haven, United States
- Christian GASSER - Stockholm, Sweden
- Athanasios GIANNOUKAS - Larissa, Greece
- Jonathan GOLLEDGE - Townville, Australia
- Roman GOTTARDI - Lahr, Germany
- Franco GREGO - Pavoda, Italy
- Nimrat GREWAL - Leiden, The Netherlands
- Orhan HAKLI - New-York, United States
- Grégory HANS - Liège, Belgium
- Muriel HANSEN - Liège, Belgium
- Stephan HAULON - Paris, France
- Makoto HIBINO - Cleaveland, United States
- Duc HO KHANH - Hcmc, Vietnam
- Rebecka HULTGREN - Stockholm, Sweden
- Jin Hyun JOH - Seoul, South Korea
- Guillaume JONDEAU - Paris, France
- François JOURET - Liège, Belgium
- Thanos KATSARGYRIS - Athens, Greece
- Arnaud KERZMANN - Liège, Belgium
- Hyangkyoung KIM - Seoul, South Korea
- Igor KONCAR - Belgrade, Serbia
- Nicos LABROPOULOS - New-York, United States
- Patrick LACOLLEY - Paris, France
- Jérémy LAGRANGE - Paris, France
- Nicolas LAMBERT - Liège, Belgium
- Patrizio LANCELLOTTI - Liège, Belgium
- Jean Paul LAVIGNE - Liège, Belgium
- Regent LEE - Oxford, United Kingdom
- Luis LEON - Tucson, United States
- Christos LIAPIS - Athens, Greece
- Jan LINDEMAN - Leiden, The Netherlands
- Jes LINDHOLT - Odense, Denmark
- Bart LOEYS - Antwerpen, Belgium
- Shang LOH - Pennsylvania, United States
- Lars MAEGDEFESSEL - Munich, Germany
- Olivier MALAISE - Liège, Belgium
- Stefano MASTROBUONI - Leuven, Belgium
- Josephina MEESTER - Antwerpen, Belgium
- Germano MELISSANO - Milano, Italy
- Bart MEURIS - Leuven, Belgium
- Jean-Baptiste MICHEL - Paris, France
- Hector MICHELENA - Rochester, United States
- Dianna MILEWICZ - Houston, United States
- Bijan MODARAI - London, United Kingdom
- Marie MOONEN - Liège, Belgium
- Lucia MUSUMECI - Liège, Belgium
- Christoph NIENABER - London, United Kingdom
- Florence PINET - Lille, France
- Jean PORTERIE - Toulouse, France
- Janet POWELL - London, United Kingdom
- Marc RADERMECKER - Liège, Belgium
- Filip REGA - Leuven, Belgium
- Véronique REGNAULT - Paris, France
- Clio RIBBENS - Liège, Belgium
- Jose RODRIGUEZ PALOMARES - Barcelona, Spain
- Fiona ROHLFFS - Hamburg, Germany
- Joy ROY - Stockholm, Sweden
- Natzi SAKALIHASAN - Liège, Belgium
- Leila SALHI - Liège, Belgium
- Yousef SALMASI - London, United Kingdom
- Athanasios SARATZIS - Leicester, United Kingdom
- Muriel SPRYNGER - Liège, Belgium
- Delphine SZECEL - Liège, Belgium
- Kostantinos SPANOS - Larissa, Greece
- Apostolos TASSIOPOULOS - New-York, United States
- Hung TRAN VINH - Hô Chi Minh-Ville, Vietnam
- Dimitrios TSIANTOULAS - Vienna, Austria
- Carl WAHLGREN - Stockholm, Sweden
- Srinivasa R. VALLABHANENI - Liverpool, United Kingdom
- Pirkka VIKATMAA - Helsinki, Finland
- Christian VON FRENCKELL - Liège, Belgium
- Kak Khee YEUNG - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Koichi YOSHIMURA - Ube, Japan
- Clark J. ZEEBREGTS - Gronigen, The Netherlands
- Bulat ZIGANSHIN - New Haven, United States
13 June 2024
14 June 2024
15 June 2024
The 8th International Meeting on Aortic Diseases is pleased to invite you to submit your abstracts
Deadline: April 15th, 2024
Abstracts and eposter preparation
- We will consider abstracts on clinical and/or fundamental research on aortic valves and aortic dissections and aneurysms (thoracic and/or abdominal).
- Abstracts should be written in English, and not exceed 300 words. Figures or tables (max two) should be submitted as separate files. Figures must be of a 300 DPI resolution and registered in a EPS or TIFF format.
- The content of each eposter should be clearly divided into sections including introduction, experimental aim (or problem definition), work summary, results and conclusions. Diagrams, graphs, data, pictures and a small amount of the text may be mounted on the 48″ X 48″ cork board which we will provide.
- The poster should be readable from a distance of at least 5′. Suggested sizes are a minimum graph size of 10″ (25 cm), section heading letters of 3/4″ (2 cm) and text and figure lettering not less than 3/8″ (1 cm).
- A heading label including the title, the author name and the address of the primary author should be included.
- All figures and tables should be titled.
- The entire size of the poster material(s) is limited to 48″ X 48″.

Abstracts are being accepted and will be considered for short (4’) oral or poster presentation. Aneurysmal Pathology Foundation (APF) and Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) will award the following best posters and/or communications as such:
- APF, Raymond Limet Prize (750€)
will be attributed to the best posters/ short communications on the epidemiology and natural history of aortic aneurysms. - APF, Camillo Di Croce Prize (750€)
will be attributed to the best posters/ short communications on familial and/or genetic aspects of aneurysms. - 1st MDPI Prize (500 CHF)
will be attributed to the best posters/ short communications on basic research linked with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. - 2nd MDPI Prize (500 CHF)
will be attributed to the best posters/ short communications on basic research linked with Abdominal Aortic Dissections.
Selected abstracts will be published in « AORTA » Journal.
During or after your presentation, you will also have the opportunity to submit your full-length article for publication and you will have the opportunity to discuss with editorial board members.